
Results (24)

String Translation Suggestions
$helpTags$ and $metaHelp$ – link to frequently visited pages of the help center. Link text is "help center" (capitalization is respected). All links point to the main site. $helpTags$ および $metaHelp$ – ヘルプセンターのよく閲覧されるページにリンクします。リンクテキストは「ヘルプセンター」です。すべてのリンクはメインのサイトを指します。
awarded frequently 頻繁に授与
Come out and meet us and get verified as a real human at the following events. We update this frequently, so stay tuned for more events closer to you. 次のイベントに参加して実際に会うと本物の人間として認証されます。こちらは頻繁に更新されますのでより近いイベントにご期待ください。
Frequent リンク最多
Frequent '$UrlTags$' posts
Frequent '$UrlTags$' Questions リンク最多の '$UrlTags$' 質問
Frequent Linked Questions [リンク最多]にリンクされた質問
Frequent posts
Frequent posts in my watched tags
Frequent Questions リンク最多の質問
Frequent questions in my watched tags ウォッチしているタグのリンク最多の質問
Frequently Asked よくある質問
Frequently Asked Questions よくある質問
Frequently Asked Questions:
Hi there, Your company just gave you access to Stack Overflow for Teams - congrats! We help teams reduce pings and dings so they can focus better by gathering everyone’s knowledge into a shared tool. You can access this collective wisdom whenever, wherever. Get started helping your team by adding your knowledge in the form of a question with an answer: 1. Create a title in the form of a question that you hear often: $url$ 2. Summarize the question in the body 3. Select “Answer my own question” at the bottom of the page 4. Save and start relishing in that newfound flow state freedom! Start adding your team’s most frequently asked questions today >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Most frequent リンク最多
Nobody’s perfect — but answers with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar are easier to read. They also tend to get upvoted more frequently. Remember, you can always go back and edit your answer to improve it at any time.
Similar questions frequently linked or suggested as originals: オリジナルとして頻繁にリンクまたは推奨された類似の質問:
Start adding your team’s most frequently asked questions today >>
The Frequently Asked Questions page has now become the Help Center Go to the [Help Center]($HelpCenterUrl$) now.
There are no frequently asked questions at the moment. よくある質問は現在ありません。
We’ve noticed a pattern of engaging in lengthy discussions in comments, frequently consisting of responses involving multiple, back-to-back posts. Comments are intended as brief messages to [provide feedback, add minor information, ask for clarification, or discuss the *content of the post*]($commentUrl$). Lengthy clarifications should be edited into the post itself or posted separately as a new question or answer, and extended discussions should be taken to [chat]($ChatUrl). Extensive comment threads tend to be a distraction for other readers. **These lengthy discussions are often hard to follow, and can easily hide critical information.** Our goal is to provide readers with expert questions and answers, **not** host discussion or debate. If you desire conversation, [stop into the site’s chat room]($chatUrl$). We hope that you can work with the community on achieving our goals by: - Asking [specific, researched, relevant, on-topic questions]($howToAskUrl$) - Providing [clear, useful, accurate and well-researched information in answers]($howToAnswerUrl$) - Treating others with [respect and civility]($behaviorUrl$)
We've noticed that you have a pattern of engaging in lengthy discussions in comments, frequently consisting of responses involving multiple, back-to-back posts. Comments are intended as brief messages to [provide feedback, add minor information, ask for clarification, or discuss the *content of the post*]($commentUrl$). Lengthy clarifications should be edited into the post itself or posted separately as a new question or answer, and extended discussions should be taken to [chat]($ChatUrl). Extensive comment threads tend to be a distraction for other readers. **These lengthy discussions are often hard to follow, and can easily hide critical information.** Preferring to argue with other users in comments over revising your questions and answers to address their concerns is a red flag to moderators, indicating you may not fully understand the purpose of Stack Exchange: our goal is to provide readers with expert questions and answers, **not** host discussion or debate. If you desire conversation, [stop into the site's chat room]($chatUrl$). We hope that you can work with the community on achieving our goals by: - Asking [specific, researched, relevant, on-topic questions]($howToAskUrl$) - Providing [clear, useful, accurate and well-researched information in answers]($howToAnswerUrl$) - Treating others with [respect and civility]($behaviorUrl$) あなたがコメントで頻繁に長々と議論を続け、返答を何度も連続して投稿していることに気付きました。コメントには、[フィードバックしたり、ちょっとした情報を追加したり、不明な点を確認したり、*投稿の内容*について話し合ったりする]($commentUrl$)ための簡単なメッセージを投稿します。長い説明は投稿本文を編集して記載するか、新しい質問または回答として別に投稿してください。議論を続ける場合は[チャット]($ChatUrl)に移っていただけますようお願いします。コメントスレッドが長くなると、他の人にとって読みにくくなります。**こうした冗長なディスカッションはフォローしにくくなると同時に、重要な情報が埋もれやすくなります。** 他のユーザーとコメントで議論することを好むよりも、質問や回答を修正して彼らの懸念に対処する方が好ましいです。これはモデレーターにとっての警告信号であり、Stack Exchange プラットフォームの目的をあまりよく理解できていない可能性があります。私たちの目標は、読者に専門的な質問と回答を提供することであり、議論やディベートをホストすることではありません。もし会話を望む場合は[サイトのチャットルーム]($chatUrl$)に立ち寄ってください。 私たちの目標を達成するために、次の方法でコミュニティと協力していただけることを願っています: - [具体的で、詳しく調査された、関連性のある、オントピックな質問]($howToAskUrl$)をする - [明確で、有用で、正確で、十分に調査された情報を回答に]($howToAnswerUrl$)記載する - [敬意と礼儀正しさ]($behaviorUrl$)を持って他者に接する
You are on the Frequent tab. [リンク最多]タブを表示しています。