
Results (200)

String Translation Suggestions
# Community User I'm a bot. My job is mostly to ask starter questions. Read more [about me at Meta Stack Exchange]( # Team Owner(s) {Please edit this answer if you are the owner of this team to introduce yourself.} Owners manage the membership roles and can help with any problems/questions you may have on how to use this team area. # Stack Overflow Enterprise support team {Please edit this if you want to add contact information.} For any team related questions please contact your site Administrator or Team Owner.
#Add a verified email domain Verifying an email domain makes it easier for coworkers to join your Team. Instead of manually inviting users, a verified email gives anyone with your company email domain the ability to join your Team. Verify your email domain at $verifyDomainUrl$ --- Why is this important? Better and faster answers to questions. When there are more users, you increase the chances of your question being answered. A bigger and more robust knowledge base. More team members lead to more knowledge sharing and collaboration. A successful Q&A community. The Q&A format works best when the right people are there to answer and ask questions. Verify your email domain at $verifyDomainUrl$
#Invite coworkers to join your Team Stack Overflow for Teams is better with coworkers. COPY AND SHARE THIS LINK: $channelUrl$ Why is this important? Better and faster answers to questions. When there are more users, you increase the chances of your question being answered. A bigger and more robust knowledge base. More team members lead to more knowledge sharing and collaboration. A successful Q&A community. The Q&A format works best when the right people are there to answer and ask questions.
#Jumpstart your Team by inviting more users We noticed you haven’t added any new users to your Team recently. Your Team is more likely to be successful when you add more users. Invite Team users at: $inviteUrl$. Want to make it easier to add coworkers to your Team? Enable email verification and allow all users with your email domain to join your team. Why is this important? Better and faster answers to questions. When there are more users, you increase the chances of your question being answered. A bigger and more robust knowledge base. More team members lead to more knowledge sharing and collaboration. A successful Q&A community. The Q&A format works best when the right people are there to answer and ask questions.
#Your Stack Overflow for Teams trial ends today #スタック・オーバーフロー for Teams の試用期間が今日で終わります
$__count$ Community Team Messages $__count$件のコミュニティチームメッセージ
$adminName$ has removed your admin privileges for the $teamName$ Team. If you feel this is a mistake, contact this person or the Team owner. $adminName$ は、$teamName$ チームに対するあなたの管理権限を削除しました。もしこれが間違いだと思うなら、この方かチームオーナーに連絡してください。
$anchorOpen$Get Stack Overflow for Teams free for up to 50 users$anchorClose$.
$ChannelName$ has reached its maximum number of users. Contact your Team admin to gain access.
$ChannelName$'s subscription has been cancelled. Contact the Team owner to gain access. $ChannelName$ の購読がキャンセルされました。アクセスするには、チームオーナーに連絡してください。
$context$ - $teamName$ $context$ - $teamName$
$creationUser$ has invited you and requested that you finish the Team setup steps before other Team members arrive. Please do so now. $br$Stack Overflow for Teams is a private and secure environment for your questions and answers. No more digging through stale documentation, lost emails, and chat threads. Use the link below to join the $teamName$ Team within the next $numDays$ days.
$CreationUserDisplayName$ has invited you to join the $ChannelName$ Team $CreationUserDisplayName$ が、あなたを $ChannelName$ チームに招待しました。
$CreationUserDisplayName$ has invited you to set up the $ChannelName$ Team
$FromName$ contacted the Community Team about $AboutName$ and $SecondaryUserCount$ other users, re: $Template$
$FromName$ contacted the community team about $AboutName$, re: $Template$ 件名: $Template$、 $AboutName$について、 $FromName$がコミュニティチームに問い合わせしました。
$integration$ is already installed on $team$. $integration$ は既に $team$ にインストールされています。
$linkStart$Add$linkEnd$ more questions to your Team.
$linkStart$Start adding$linkEnd$ questions to your Team.
$Name$ notifications have been disabled by your team admin.
$requester$ has requested your approval to add $integration$ to your Stack Overflow for Teams instance.
$siteName$ is scheduled for an election [next week, $nominationStartDate$]($linkToElection$). In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. Here’s how it’ll work: - Until the nomination phase, (so, until $nominationStartDate$ at 20:00:00Z UTC, or 4:00 pm EDT on the same day, give or take time to arrive for closure), this question will be open to collect potential questions from the users of the site. Post answers to this question containing any questions you would like to ask the candidates. Please only post *one question per answer*. - If your question contains a link, please use the syntax of `[text](link)`, as that will make it easier for transcribing for the finished questionnaire. - This is a perfect opportunity to voice questions that are specific to your community and issues that you are running into currently. - We, the Community Team, will be providing a small selection of generic questions. The following two questions are guaranteed to be included: - How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments? - How would you handle a situation where another mod closed/deleted/etc. a question that you feel shouldn’t have been? - The community team may also include the following three questions if the community doesn’t supply enough questions. - In your opinion, what do moderators do? - A diamond will be attached to everything you say and have said in the past, including questions, answers and comments. Everything you will do will be seen under a different light. How do you feel about that? - In what way do you feel that being a moderator will make you more effective as opposed to simply reaching enough reputation to [access moderator tools]($moderatorToolsUrl$) or become a [trusted user]($trustedUserUrl$)? - At the start of the nomination phase, the Community Team will select **up to 8 of the top voted questions submitted by the community** provided in this thread, to use in addition to the aforementioned 2 guaranteed questions. We reserve some editorial control in the selection of the questions and may opt not to select a question that is tangential or irrelevant to moderation or the election. We exclude any suggested questions that are negatively scored. - We will post the final questionnaire on the [Election page]($linkToElection$). Candidates will have the option to fill out the questionnaire, and their answers will appear beneath their intro statements. - This is not the only option that users have for gathering information on candidates. As a community, you are still free to, for example, hold a live chat session with your candidates to ask further questions, or perhaps clarifications from what is provided in the Q&A. If you have any questions or feedback about this process, feel free to post as a comment here.
$TeamName$ Members
$teamName$ Team’s login security has been upgraded
$teamName$ Team's login security has been upgraded Use single sign-on (SSO) to join your Team. SSO lets you log in using an existing set of credentials. Log in with SSO at $loginUrl$ --- Can I still use my $outerSiteName$ account? Yes! This is an added layer of security for your Team only. Why was my Team's login security upgraded? Many companies prefer to use SSO because it provides stronger security for sites containing sensitive data. Will I lose my past Team activity? No, your past activity will be saved. Once you've logged in, we recommend double-checking your account to make sure everything is up-to-date. Log in with SSO at $loginUrl$
$tierDescriptor$ - $teamName$ - Invoice $friendlyDocId$.pdf
$tierDescriptor$ - $teamName$ - Statement $docId$.pdf
$tierDescriptor$ - $teamName$ - Statement $Id$.pdf
**$admin$** has invited you to join **$teamName$**, your private knowledge base powered by Stack Overflow for Teams
**$teamName$** is a private knowledge base powered by Stack Overflow for Teams
**Anyone who has influence over key departments:** Have them on-hand during launch week to help people get started, answer questions, and intercept and redirect relevant discussions to your Team.
**Edit any post.** When you see something wrong, fix it—whether that’s a typo or outdated info. It’s important to maintain the quality of your team’s Q&A.
**Executives & team leads:** Have them send announcements. The executive can announce the launch to the entire company, and team leads can reinforce the launch to their respective teams.
**Got a question?** Ask your team anything.
**Mention your team members.** Even if you don’t have the answer, you might know who does. Help others find answers by mentioning teammates in the comments of question posts.
**Slack successfully installed to your team.** Type `/stack help` to get started or create a $linkStart$notification$linkEnd$.
**There was an error processing a payment.** [Update your payment information]($PaymentUrl$) to maintain Team access.
**This Team has been frozen and will be deleted in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Re-activate your subscription]($PaymentUrl$) to restore access.
**This Team has been frozen and will be deleted in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Update your payment information]($PaymentUrl$) to restore access.
**This Team has been frozen.** Contact the Team admin to restore access.
**This team has one or more invoices that are past due in our billing system and awaiting payment.** Please [reach out to us]($PaymentUrl$) for assistance.
**This Team will be deleted in $DaysUntilNext$ days due to inactivity.** Tip: Creating new content, adding new users or searching for content will bring your account back to active status.
**This Team will freeze in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Re-activate your subscription]($PaymentUrl$) to maintain access.
**This Team will freeze in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Update your payment information]($PaymentUrl$) to maintain access.
**This Team will freeze in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** Contact the Team admin to maintain access.
**This Team will freeze in $HoursUntilNext$ hours.** Contact the Team admin to maintain access.
**What do they need to know?** If you haven't already, make sure to familiarize leadership with the key benefits of Stack Overflow for Teams. You'll also need let them know how to get involved with the launch effort.
**Who is "leadership"?** Leadership can include executives, team leads, and anyone who has influence over key departments.
**Your Stack Overflow for Teams team has been cancelled and has $DaysUntilNext$ days remaining on the current contract.** If you'd like to undo cancellation, please [reach out to us]($PaymentUrl$).
**Your Stack Overflow for Teams team has been cancelled and will be deleted in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** Please [reach out to us]($PaymentUrl$) to restore access.
**Your Stack Overflow for Teams team has been frozen.** Please contact the Team admin to restore access.
**Your Team has been frozen and will be deleted in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Update your payment information]($PaymentUrl$) to restore access.
**Your Team has been frozen.** Please contact your Team admin to restore access.
**Your trial will expire in $DaysUntilNext$ days.** [Update your payment information]($PaymentUrl$) to maintain Team access.
**Your upgrade has been submitted.** We are upgrading your Stack Overflow for Teams instance now.
**Your upgrade has been submitted.** We are upgrading your Stack Overflow for Teams instance.
[![Notify someone][1]][1] This will leave a notification for them in the top bar if they are a member of your Team. For people who aren't (yet) members, you can share a link via email, Slack or however else your team communicates: [![Share a link][2]][2] If you want to automatically get email notifications of new questions on a tag, use the [tag watching feature]( Or, if you prefer Slack, you can [send notifications of activity on all or specific tags to a channel of your choice]( [1]: $firstImage$ [2]: $secondImage$
[A lot of memes have been created]($url$) about copy + paste on Stack Overflow - and we’re not mad about it. In fact, we’re encouraging you to copy and paste those project docs or how-to guides into a brand new Article on your shared Teams instance.
[Collections]($url$) allows you to group content together based on a topic or theme. We use this for new team onboarding here at Stack Overflow.
[Learn more]($learnMoreUrl$) about the $integration$ app. Questions? Email us at $teamsAtSo$. $integration$ アプリについて[詳しく学ぶ]($learnMoreUrl$)。ご質問があればメールでご連絡ください $teamsAtSo$。
[The New Moderator Guide]($modGuideUrl$) on the Moderator Team. This is an unofficial collection of first-days informational posts that will help you get started. For further reading, check out the [other collections]($modTeamCollectionsUrl$) on the Team for posts about everyday moderation topics, advanced topics, and many others.
[The New Moderator Guide]($modGuideUrl$) on the Stack Moderators Team. This is an unofficial collection of first-days informational posts that will help you get started. For further reading, check out the [other collections]($modTeamCollectionsUrl$) on the Team for posts about everyday moderation topics, advanced topics, and many others.
[Upgrade your Team]($url$) to use single sign-on — the most secure and effective login option.
[User Groups]($url$) allows you to put various team members together so that others can ping them collectively for answers and inputs.
__NUMSKIPPED__ of the user(s) you selected are already active and will be skipped. Would you like to activate the __NUM__ other(s)? This will allow them to log in and access the team again. Please confirm.
__NUMSKIPPED__ of the user(s) you selected are already deactivated and will be skipped. Would you like to deactivate the __NUM__ other(s)? This will immediately log out the users and prevent further login and team usage. Please confirm.
<@$teamUserId$> thinks this might help:
…email us directly at $TeamEmail$ any time.
A new [GDPR request]($Url$) has been opened in the GDPR tool and requires action from the legal team in order to be fulfilled.
A problem has occurred while creating your Team; please start [the Team creation process over]($url$).
A Team's SAML certificate will expire soon
A Team's SAML certificates are about to expire soon
A Team's SAML certificates will expire soon.
Access the $ChannelName$ team
Account Team Users ($n$)
Activating these __NUM__ user(s) will allow them to log in and access the team again. Please confirm.
Add $numMore$ more questions to finish setting up your Team.
Add this team to my account
Add to Team
Add your team’s FAQs to stop the pings and dings.
Admin $adminDisplayName$ just added user $targetDisplayName$ on $teamName$.
Admin $adminDisplayName$ just granted $targetDisplayName$ team owner privileges on $teamName$.
Admin $adminDisplayName$ just removed user $targetDisplayName$ on $teamName$.
Admin $adminDisplayName$ just revoked $targetDisplayName$'s team owner privileges on $teamName$.
Admin **$adminDisplayName$** just granted **$targetDisplayName$** team owner privileges.
Admin **$adminDisplayName$** just revoked **$targetDisplayName$**'s team owner privileges.
All users on $teamName$ will no longer need their single sign-on credentials to access this team.
Already a member of the $teamName$ Team? $linkStart$Log in here$linkEnd$
and allow all users with your email domain to join your Team.
Another user thinks this would be a good question to ask on your Stack Overflow Team
Anyone with a $teamName$ email address will be able to join your team once you have verified it.
Anyone with an email address on one of these domains can join this team
Are there more resources to learn about Stack Overflow for Teams?
As an admin, you may install $integration$ to your Team. Please refresh this page and try again.
As some of you know, we're getting ready to launch Stack Overflow for Teams, which provides a secure home for our organization's knowledge.
As team owner, you can add and remove team members, customize your team’s display settings, and view metrics about the team’s activity. You can also edit the Team’s purpose and cadence before users join in.
Ask team members
At your request, we’ve just downgraded your Team to the $destinationTier$ plan of Stack Overflow for Teams. You’ll see this change reflected in the plans tab within your Team.
Authorize Microsoft Teams
Awards from Teams ($TotalWithCommas$)
Below is a list of Teams associated with your account. Select the team you’d like to access using SSO.
Below is a list of Teams associated with your account. Select the team you'd like to access using SSO:
Boost your Team’s engagement by inviting your coworkers.
Cancel your Teams subscription
Check out the [resource center]($url$) today to get your Team up and running toward success.
Choose a team to access with $Name$:
CM team contacted about user このユーザーについてコミュニティチームに連絡
Community Management Team
community team message コミュニティチームメッセージ
Community team was notified about the user reaching a high reputation threshold
Confirm your email to join the $ChannelName$ Team
Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Create free team. 構造化されて検索しやすいよう集約したナレッジに接続・共有します。無料でチームを作成しましょう。
Connect chat tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.
contact community team コミュニティチームに連絡
Contact Community Team コミュニティチームに連絡してください
Contact Community Team about $user$ ユーザー $user$ についてコミュニティチームに連絡
Contact Community Team about $user$ and $secondaryUsersCount$ other users
Contact Community Team about [$user$]($userUrl$)
Contact Community Team about [$user$]($userUrl$) and $secondaryUsersCount$ other users
Contact the Community Manager Team regarding this user: for reporting underage or suicidal users, requesting the destruction of post revisions, or other serious problems that cannot be handled using the tools available to you.
contact the community team about this user このユーザーについてコミュニティチームに連絡
Conversation with Community Team about $user$
Conversation with Community Team about $user$ and $secondaryUsersCount$ other users
Conversation with Community Team about [$user$]($userUrl$)
Conversation with Community Team about [$user$]($userUrl$) and $secondaryUsersCount$ other users
Create a Team
Create free Team 無料でチームを作成する
Create New Teams
Create Team
Create team
Customize your Team settings and add members
Customize your team's display settings
Deactivating these __NUM__ user(s) will immediately log out the users and prevent further login and team usage. Please confirm.
Deactivation will immediately revoke access to the Team. Please confirm.
Delegate this teams management, including members. You can assign yourself.
Deleting these __NUM__ user(s) and their content will REMOVE all questions, answers, comments, etc. from your Team that these users have posted, as well as delete their user accounts.
Deleting these __NUM__ user(s) will retain their questions, answers, comments, etc. in your Team but remove their user accounts. Please confirm.
Due to inactivity, we’ve deleted your Stack Overflow for Teams account and any content associated. If you feel you’ve received this message in error, please reach out to $teamsEmail$.
Due to inactivity, your Stack Overflow for Teams account will be deleted in $numDaysUntilCancelled$ days.
Edit Team URL
Email address associated with your Stack Overflow for Teams account
email us directly at $TeamEmail$ any time メールにて $TeamEmail$ までいつでも直接ご連絡ください
Enable single sign-on for your team.
Enter an email address and we'll send you a verification email. This can only be done by Team admins.
Escalate voter to Community Team
Escalated to CM team
Ever heard of knowledge FOMO (fear of missing out)? Well, it’s a thing because a lot of us here at Stack Overflow have set up tag notifications so that we get alerted via Slack and email when new content hits our Team.
Every person contributes to building a collaborative, respectful community. If you find unacceptable behavior directed at yourself or others, you can [flag the harmful content]($FlaggingUrl$). Moderators review flags regularly, and users who don’t follow the Code of Conduct in good faith may face repercussions deemed appropriate by our moderation team, including, but not limited to, account suspensions. 誰もが協力的で敬意を持つコミュニティの構築に貢献できます。自分自身または他の人に向けられた許容できない行為を見つけた場合、[有害なコンテンツを通報してください]($FlaggingUrl$)。モデレーターは定期的に通報を審査します。行動規範に誠実に従わないユーザーは、アカウントの停止を含む、モデレーションチームが適切と判断した措置を受けます。
Final notice: Stack Overflow for Teams trial has ended
Find a recent or often-used doc that your team might find useful
Finish creating your Team profile
First time logging in to $teamName$? $linkStart$Get started here$linkEnd$
For security reasons this credential cannot be used by an account with access to a Team.
For security reasons, you must [add a new login]($addLoginUrl$) before joining this Team.
For Teams
Forgot your account’s password or having trouble logging into your Team? Enter your email address and we’ll send you a recovery link.
Get notified whenever a question is asked on this Team. This setting will be unavailable if more than $n$ questions are asked in a week.
Get started by posting $countNeeded$ questions in your Team. If you’re not sure what to ask, check out one of the question templates below.
Get started helping your team by adding your knowledge in the form of a question with an answer:
Go to my Team
Go to this Team
Got a question? Ask your team anything.
Grab knowledge wherever your team spends time.
Grab these resources and make them your own to start generating excitement with your team:
Grab your copy of the [Getting-Started Guide]($url$) today to get your Team up and running toward success.
Great! You’ve successfully set up your Teams account!
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $linkStart$$teamsEmail$$endLink$.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $linkStart$$teamsMail$$endLink$.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsAtSo$.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsMail$ Thanks, Stack Overflow for Teams
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsMail$.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsMail$. Thanks, Stack Overflow for Teams
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsMail$. Thanks, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hello, I’m writing in regards to the account you maintain on our [Stack Exchange Network]($link$). Per our terms of service and US regulations, we’re unable to store personally identifying information belonging to minors under the age of 13. I regret that I must delete your account and information and welcome you to return to the site once you have reached the age of 13. Regards, The Stack Exchange Team
Hello, I'm writing in regards to the account you maintain on our [Stack Exchange Network]($link$). Per our terms of service and US regulations, we're unable to store personally identifying information belonging to minors under the age of 13. I regret that I must delete your account and information and welcome you to return to the site once you have reached the age of 13. Regards, The Stack Exchange Team
Help your team find new content by proactively creating a tag and start [following tags]($url$) you care about to get notifications delivered when knowledge is added or updated.
Here are a few ways that Stack Overflow for Teams can be useful:
Hi $userName$, You have been removed from $teamName$ by your Team admin ($adminName$). To regain access, contact your admin. Questions? Email us at $teamsAtSo$. Best, Stack Overflow
Hi team,
Hi there, $requester$ has requested your approval to add $integration$ to your Stack Overflow for Teams instance. Interested in learning how Stack Overflow for Teams and $integration$ work together? $actionUrl$ Have questions or feedback? Contact us at $teamsAtSo$. Thanks, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, A lot of memes have been created about copy + paste on Stack Overflow - and we’re not mad about it: $swagUrl$ In fact, we’re encouraging you to copy and paste those project docs or how-to guides into a brand new Article on your shared Teams instance. Articles are a way to store longer-form content that doesn’t fit into the question and answer format. So this means you can stop searching shared folders, chat messages, and email threads to find the things you need. Adding an Article is easy: 1. Find a recent or often-used doc that your team might find useful 2. Open a new Article within Stack Overflow for Teams: $articlesUrl$ 3. Copy the doc 4. Paste the doc 5. Add tags 6. Save 7. Be amazed at how easy it was Add your first Article today >> $articlesUrl$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Changing behaviors is hard. Especially when we’ve grown so accustomed to instant messages and rapid-fire responses. But there are a few problems with that approach: - The information we get in response could be inaccurate or partial - We’re causing distractions for our high-value teammates - Resurfacing information from a sea of chat messages is a huge pain But you don’t have to choose them (Slack, Microsoft Teams) or us. You can have it all. Our integrations will help your team access and share knowledge in a way that makes sense. No more searching endlessly for the right information. Set up the integration for Slack at $slackUrl$ or Microsoft Teams at $msTeamsUrl$ today. Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Due to inactivity, we’ve deleted your Stack Overflow for Teams account and any content associated. If you feel you’ve received this message in error, please reach out to $teamsEmail$. If you’d like to create a new Team, you can sign up here: $teamsCreateUrl$. Sincerely, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Due to inactivity, your Stack Overflow for Teams account will be deleted in $numDaysUntilCancelled$ days. If you’d like to be able to use your Team, please take action such as creating new content, adding a team member, or searching for content. Any of these actions will bring your account back to active status. If you do not take action, we will delete your account in {Model.DaysUntilCancelled} days. Please login to $siteUrl$ now to take action. Sincerely, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Ever heard of knowledge FOMO (fear of missing out)? Well, it’s a thing because a lot of us here at Stack Overflow have set up tag notifications so that we get alerted via Slack and email when new content hits our Team. We’re never wondering what new knowledge has been added and can go about our FOMO-free days in peace. Set up tag notifications in your profile today to stay on top of your team’s shared knowledge. Set tag notifications now >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Onboarding new team members is time consuming, so we built a couple of ways for your new hires to find the knowledge they need to get up to speed asynchronously. - Collections allows you to group content together based on a topic or theme. We use this for new team onboarding here at Stack Overflow. Learn more here: $collections$ - User Groups allows you to put various team members together so that others can ping them collectively for answers and inputs. Learn more here: $userGroups$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Some of our most successful customers find new and interesting ways to get their teams sharing knowledge early. So we’ve compiled a few examples of how to best promote your new Teams instance and get your team members excited about sharing knowledge early. Grab these resources and make them your own to start generating excitement with your team: - Email announcement templates to pique interest and gain early adoption: $emailTemplates$ - Digital swag to help create organic excitement across channels: $digitalSwag$ - Common FAQs to help craft your own messaging: $commonFAQs$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Sometimes adding new information to a shared space can be intimidating - sort of like raising your hand in class as the new kid in town. That’s why we built Reactions and Upvotes on Stack Overflow for Teams. You can give content a few positive reactions to help the content creator know what you think of the question or answer. Someone asked a question that you have been wanting to know yourself? Drop a 🔥 emoji or 👏. Think a question or answer needs to get more attention? Upvoting can make it more visible and signal to other team members that the content is valuable. Start engaging with your team’s content today >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Tags in Teams (say that ten times fast) helps content be more findable. If you add a tag onto a Question or Article it alerts the followers of that tag that brand new content has been created. A good tag is 1-3 words and usually something like a coding language, product, tool, or process. You can create a tag each time you create content and follow tags whenever you want. Help your team find new content by proactively creating a tag and start following tags you care about to get notifications delivered when knowledge is added or updated. Get started >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Too often in life we stumble upon something that promises big and under-delivers. We hate that. Which is why we award points to answers that get upvoted by your fellow team members. Someone thinks your content is valuable? You get the points. Points are a way to signal to your team (and leadership) that you’re a wealth of knowledge - and a great way to get acknowledged for sharing that knowledge to help your team be their best. So what are you waiting for? Contribute some great answers for your team and start building your credibility today. Start engaging with your team’s content today >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, We’ve noticed that you haven’t been using your Stack Overflow for Teams account in the past $numDaysInactive$ days. If you don’t take action in the next $numDaysUntilCancelled$ days, we’ll delete your Team. If you’d like to prevent deletion, please take action such as creating new content, adding a team member, or searching for content. Any of these actions will bring your account back to active status. Please login to $siteUrl$ now to take action. Sincerely, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, You’ve taken the time to get your new Stack Overflow for Teams space prepped and ready for your team members to share knowledge - congrats! Did you know that with our Dashboard, you can monitor metrics that tell you the types of wisdom your team is sharing or looking for? We’re here to help you get familiar with your Dashboard and understand what it all means. Check out this post where we dig into the metrics you see and help you decide what’s most important for your team’s success. Decipher your dashboard now >> $dashboardUrl$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Your company just gave you access to Stack Overflow for Teams - congrats! We help teams reduce pings and dings so they can focus better by gathering everyone’s knowledge into a shared tool. You can access this collective wisdom whenever, wherever. Get started helping your team by adding your knowledge in the form of a question with an answer: 1. Create a title in the form of a question that you hear often: $url$ 2. Summarize the question in the body 3. Select “Answer my own question” at the bottom of the page 4. Save and start relishing in that newfound flow state freedom! Start adding your team’s most frequently asked questions today >> $url$ Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Your success is our business. We built Stack Overflow for Teams because team leaders came to us repeatedly asking for ways for their teams to share company knowledge in a secure way. Since the launch of Teams, we’ve been slightly obsessed with making your team’s experience better. We put together this Getting-Started Guide at $gettingStartedLink$ for new team Admins to help you with: - Creating starter content - Leveraging your subject matter experts - Integrating with other tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams Grab your copy of the Getting-Started Guide at $gettingStartedLink$ today to get your Team up and running toward success. Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
Hi there, Your success is our business. We built Stack Overflow for Teams because team leaders came to us repeatedly asking for ways for their teams to share company knowledge in a secure way. Since the launch of Teams, we’ve been slightly obsessed with making your team’s experience better. We put together this resource center at $gettingStartedLink$ with things like: - Creating starter content - Leveraging your subject matter experts - Integrating with other tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams Check out the resource center at $gettingStartedLink$ today to get your Team up and running toward success. Cheers, Stack Overflow for Teams
How can I participate on Teams?
I understand that changing the Team URL will break all existing links to my Team, and that I will need to reconfigure my SSO connection to Stack Overflow Business.
I understand that changing the Team URL will break all existing links to my Team.
If this doesn’t sound right, you should check your Team’s activity.
If this doesn't sound right, you should check your Team's activity.